The ultimate what if! Take a movie that was made in one genre and re-edit it to fit another genre.
This project / editing exercise is so much fun!
Pay special attention to: music, pacing, cutting to the beat, voiceover, color grading, and graphics.
Check out this Finding Nemo trailer that was recut into a Horror / Thriller. It is excellent.
Take a look at all of the creative ways you editing can change the genre of Harry Potter.
This is an oldie but a goodie. Mary Poppins Trailer Re-Cut. Perfectly creepy!
(Approx. 1 - 2 Minutes)
Task 1 Find and download movie scenes and/or trailers
Task 2 Find music that will change the feel of the movie
Task 3 Edit the movie, music and sound effects to create a 1 - 2 minute trailer that
turns the movie into a completely different genre.
Task 4 Make sure you use titles and effects that sell your newly created trailer
Task 5 Feel free to add a voice over and ADR
See you next time on SCREENGOAT.
#GenreFlip #EdingBasics #EasyEditingFX #TwoOfMe #HowMakeaScaryMovie #EditingTricks #Horror #EasyEditingTricks #EditingFX #Filmmaker #VideoEffects #MovieEffects #MoviesFX #Editor #Edit #MaryPoppins #FindingNemo #HarryPotter #TrailerRecut #Recut #MovieGenres
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