Use the 3-step production process:
1. Pre-production
Research - Watch and analyse some of your favorite Music Videos.
Scripting - I recommend the 4 column script because you will need SO much footage). 1 Column for Lyrics, the other 3 Columns for Lip Sync, Storyline and B-Roll.
Wardrobe, Props, Casting, Location Scouting
Plan your transitions
Plan your effects. Practical, In Camera, and Digital.
Advanced effects will elevate the complexity of your storytelling.
Get Copyright Permission - SAMPLE LETTER
2. Production
Camera, Lighting, Speaker (to play the music out loud), Location(s), Actors,
Scene Coverage, and In camera transitions
3. Post-production
Editing, Music, and Credits
What makes a great Music Video?
The Lyrics
The Lip Sync
The Imagery
The Bass
The Voice
The Make-up
The Wardrobe
The Hair
The Lighting
The Effects
The Color
The Lack of Colors
The Creativity
The Choreography
The Originality
The Acting
The Directing
The Editing
The Planning
The answer is YES!
Music Video Tips:
Plan ahead & be realistic.
Make sure your actor(s) knows the song.
Would it be beneficial to use multiple cameras and do multi-camera editing?
Play the music out loud on the shoot and have your actor really sing.
Use the exact same cut of the song.
During the edit match up the tracks, then mute your actor's singing.
Copyright Infringement
Public Domain
Creative Commons
Derivative Work
4 Types of Fair-Use: Parody, Commentary, New Reporting, Educational Purposes (nonprofit).
This video is hard to watch but proves the legal case of Fair Use against one of the worlds strongest copyright holders.
How long does copyright last?
Who can own a copyright?
Can you copyright an idea?
What happens if you break copyright?
What are some of the biggest/most historic copyright infringement case?
Can You Own a Sound?
Let's Get Started:
Step 1 Find Song
Step 2 4 Column Script
Step 3 Video Shoot
Post Production
Step 4 Upload Footage
Step 5 Edit
Step 6 Export
Examples of Great Music Videos (student and professional):
See you next time on SCREENGOAT.
#Music #MusicVideo #MakeAMusicVideo #FilmProject #PreProduction #Production #PostProduction #EditingBasics #EditingFX #HowToMakeAMusicVideo #EditingTips #EasyEditingTricks #EditingFX #Filmmaker #VideoEffects #Effects #BestMusicVideos #Editor #Edit #MaryPoppins #SpiceGirls #RipTide #OutKast #LilNasX #ImagineDragons #Demons #AnnaKendrick #Cups #STNMusicVideo #StudentMusicVideo #StudentMade #MusicVideoLesson #MusicVideoProject #ForTeacher #ForStudents #ForFilmmakers #WatchAndAnalyse #YourFavoriteMusicVideos #Scripting #4ColumnScript #LipSync #Storyline #BRoll #Transitions
#Wardrobe #Props #Casting #LocationScouting #Copyright #CopyrightInfringement #PublicDomain #CreativeCommons #DerivativeWork
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